Data Handling

This page gives a more detailed description of initialisation and doStep of RMQFMU. The description is mainly carried out via diagrams, where some functions are referred to by name. Such functions are described in the section Functions.


The initialization process of RabbitMQ FMU is peculiar in the sense that it needs to have an output for all messages. For this reason, the initialization has to occur when fmi2EnterInitializationMode is invoked on RabbitMQ FMU.


Some functions are described in this section that are used in the diagram in the subsequent section.

  • Configure the RMQFMU based on the configuration within the model description file.
  • Move lookahead amount of messages per message type from IncomingUnprocessed to IncomingLookahead
  • Sort lookahead according to time
  • Move message from incomingLookahead to currentData if newer.

Returns false if any of the following cases occur for a message: msg in currentData:

  • Missing in currentData
  • CurrentData holds a future value: msg.time > simulationTime
  • CurrentData holds an expired value: (msg.time + maxAge) < simulationTime

Flow of EnterInitializationMode

title EnterInitializationMode
hide footbox

boundary "Co-simulation Master" as Master
participant RabbitMQFMUInterface as FMUI
participant RabbitMQFMUCore as FMUC
database "RabbitMQ Server" as server

Master -> FMUI: EnterInitializationMode
FMUI -> FMUI: configure() connection for content data (CCD)
FMUI -> server: Publish Ready message on CCD
FMUI -> FMUI: configure() connection for system health data (CSHD)
FMUI -> FMUI: initializeCoreState()
FMUI -> FMUI: set StartTime = Time Now
    loop TimeNow - StartTime < communicationTimeOut
        alt There is a message
            FMUI -> FMUC: initializeResult = Initialize()
            group initialize function
                FMUC -> FMUC: startOffsetTime = calculateStartTime()
                FMUC -> FMUC: initializeResult = check(0)
                FMUC --> FMUI: initializeResult
            alt initializeResult is True
                FMUI --> Master: True
        else There are no messages
            server --> FMUI: False

Flow of thread consuming from the RabbitMQ server

title EnterInitializationMode
hide footbox

participant RabbitMQFMUInterface as FMUI
participant RabbitMQFMUCore as FMUC
database "RabbitMQ Server" as server

loop Until Consumer Thread is Stopped
    FMUI -> server: ConsumeSingleMessage(&msg) | (CCD)
    alt There is a message
        server --> FMUI: msg = parse(message)
        alt Parse success
            FMUI -> FMUC: AddToIncomingUnprocessed(msg)
    else There are no messages
        server --> FMUI: False

Flow of the DoStep

This section describes the doStep operation of RabbitMQ FMU.


Some functions are described in this section that are used in the diagram in the subsequent section.

Described in functions section of the initialization section.
  • Move lookahead amount of messages per message type from IncomingUnprocessed to IncomingLookahead
  • Sort lookahead according to time
  • Move value from incomingLookahead to currentData if <= simulationTime and newer than the value in currentData. Otherwise keep in IncomingLookahead

Flow of DoStep Operation

title DoStep operation
hide footbox

boundary "Co-simulation Master" as Master
participant RabbitMQFMUInterface as FMUI
participant RabbitMQFMUCore as FMUC
database "RabbitMQ Server" as server

Master -> FMUI: doStep(currentCommunicationTime, communicationStepSize)
FMUI -> FMUI: simulationTime = applyPrecision(\ncurrentCommunicationTime+communicationStepSize)
alt There is change of inputs
    FMUI -> FMUC: Package json message
    FMUI -> server: Send message with changed inputs
FMUI -> FMUC: Publish system health data | (CSHD)
FMUI -> FMUC: process(simulationTime)
FMUI -> FMUI: StartTime = Time Now
loop TimeNow - StartTime < communicationTimeOut
    alt There is a message
        alt There is system health data
           FMUI -> FMUI: Calculate time discrepancy

        FMUI -> FMUC: processResult = process()
        group process function
             FMUC -> FMUC: processIncoming()
             FMUC -> FMUC: processLookahead()
             FMUC -> FMUC: check()
             FMUC -> FMUI: processResult
        alt processResult == True
            FMUI -> Master: True
        else processResult != True
            FMUI -> Master: False
    else No message
        FMUI -> Master: False